Injury at Work Place

Employers owe a duty of care to their employees, which means they have responsibilities for the health and safety of their employees. They also owe a duty of care to any visitors to their premises such as customers, suppliers and the general public. Employers are required to provide a safe place and safe system of work to their employees.

If you have been injured at your work place or as a result of the work you were required to carry out, we may be able to help you! Our personal injury team is here to assist you and will endeavor to obtain the maximum compensation for your injuries and other losses sustained. So call us now on (+44) 2089495551 OR (+44) 2079938403! We appreciate that you may be unable to contact us during office hours or attend our office to meet us, that is why we provide 24/7 service via telephone.

What steps should I take immediately following a work accident?

After an injury in the workplace, it is important to take these steps:

  • Seek medical attention immediately;
  • Report the injury to your employer;
  • Talk to an attorney to understand your rights and legal options.

Having an experienced attorney on your side through the process can be extremely beneficial.

Am I covered by workers' compensation?

A worker is covered if the injury occurred at work and the employer has purchased workers’ compensation insurance. Private employers in Texas are not required to provide workers’ compensation insurance coverage, so many do while others do not.

However, even if the employer has purchased workers’ compensation insurance, on occasion claims, even when an injury is serious. In these cases, workers may wish to speak to an attorney about pursuing an appeal.

Workers’ compensation covers medical treatment, lost wages, and other expenses. Plus, if a negligent third party caused the injury, the worker may be eligible for additional compensation.

A co-worker was negligent and caused my injury. What options do I have?

Workers’ compensation covers all types of workplace injuries, including those caused by negligent co-workers.

However, many people are unaware of the options available to them if they were injured in an incident caused by a negligent third party such as another company or a product manufacturer.

Depending on the circumstances of your injury, we may be able to file a third-party liability claim on your behalf. You may be entitled to additional compensation if a negligent co-worker or other third party caused or contributed to your incident.

So if you were a passenger in a vehicle and have suffered an injury, we will make it our priority to secure the maximum compensation you deserve. We will help you to claim for the cost of replacing or repairing any items of yours that were damaged as a result of the accident.

Defective Product Injury Claim

In what cases can I file a product liability claim?

Customers pay price to get a perfect product. But it is not uncommon to get an injury from a product sold as perfect. The injuries could be simple or severe. It may be caused by defective appliances or equipment, to children from defective toys, injuries to the hair, skin and scalp suffered in hairdressing salons, nail shops and beautician parlours, injuries caused by exploding bottles and cylinders, illness caused by defective water supply or food supplies, injuries and medical conditions arising from unsafe medicinal products.

If you are a victim of such an injury you are entitled to claim damages and compensation. Our professional team will help you to get compensation from the manufacturer and retailer.